
Introduction: The Kidney in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias: A Current View and a Look at the Future: Herrera, G.A. A History of the Kidney in Plasma Cell Disorders: Steensma, D.P. Kyle, R.A. Pathologic Studies Useful for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Plasma Cell Dyscrasias: Veillon, D.M. Cotelingam, J.D. Serum Free Light Chains in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with Plasma Cell Dyscrasias: Mayo, M.M. Schaef Johns, G. Mechanisms of Renal Damage in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias: An Overview: Merlini, G. Pozzi, C. Proximal Tubular Injury in Myeloma: Batuman, V. Paraproteinemic Renal Diseases that Involve the Tubulo-Interstitium: Herrera, G.A. Sanders, P.W. The Mesangium as a Target for Glomerulopathic Light and Heavy Chains: Pathogenic Considerations in Light and Heavy Chain-Mediated Glomerular Damage: Keeling, J. Herrera, G.A. Immunoglobulin Light and Heavy Chain Amyloidosis AL/AH: Renal Pathology and Differential Diagnosis: Picken, M.M. Diversity and Diversification of Light Chains in Myeloma: The Specter of Amyloidogenesis by Proxy: Gu, M. Wilton, R. Stevens, F.J. High-Dose Therapy in Patients with Plasma Cell Dyscrasias and Renal Dysfunction: Pineda-Roman, M. Tricot, G. Current and Emerging Views and Treatments of Systemic Immunoglobulin Light-Chain (AL) Amyloidosis: Comenzo, R.L..

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