
The article elucidates the history of the Khrinnytski szlachta family, which during the 16th – first half of the 17th century gradually ascended from the ranks of petty and nameless Volhynian szlachta to the status of the most influential families that played an important role in the political, military and public life of the Volhynian society. A historiographical review of the works of Polish genealogists, who include Ukrainian szlahcta to the Polish nobility, demonstrates scarcity of information on this family and some inaccuracies, which documentary sources have allowed to correct.On the basis of documents, the first cohorts of the clan are singled out and matrimonial ties and individual family structures are re-establsihed. The occupations of individual members of the family who held important offices in local administration of that time are identified. It is ascertained that the rise of the entire Khrinnytski House among the Volhynian szlachta began with Mykhailo Svatkovych, who, owning to his advantageous matrimonial ties, formed family connections with such powerful Volhynian families as the Semashkis and Rusyn Berestetskis, who by that time were already holding important land offices. Ivan Mykhailovych, the son of Mykhailo Svatkovych, gained some considerable influence among the szlachta: for almost 46 years he, at first, held the office of a Lutsk under-judge and then of a Lutsk judge. Public activities of the members of the family are analyzed, especially their participation in the socio-religious struggle, which was related to those significant changes that took place in the Commonwealth and particulary in Volhynia. The participation of the Khrinnitskis in the struggle against the introduction of the Brest Union and their partaking in the establishment of fraternities and military expeditions are revealed and presented.The property status of the family during the 16th – first half of the 17th century is analyzed. On the basis of documents, it is proved that members of the family, holding important land offices, started to become rich and actively acquired estates. Profitable marriages with representatives of princely and magnate families also brought them big land holdings. All that contributed to the transition of the family from petty szlachta to a group of a few powerful magnate families.

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