
He stood by the entry to the vault, watchful and clear-eyed. A sense of purpose was communicated through his professional attire and qualifications on the wall. ‘Morning madam, how can I assist you?’ offered The Keeper. ‘I need to get some help for Harry. Things are going terribly for him at school.’ ‘I see. Do you have any ideas on what might be useful?’ asked The Keeper, scrutinizing the boy. ‘As a matter of fact, I do. I would like a Diagnosis please.’ ‘Any particular Diagnosis? There are quite a few stored here.’ ‘Yes… . it has to be Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Nothing else will do.’ The Keeper shuffled uncomfortably, a familiar dread rising. ‘Well, I have had a good look at Harry, and I'm not sure it's as clear cut as that … …’ ‘Of course it is’. A voice from the back of the chamber sliced through The Keeper's deliberation. ‘Just sign the form, there's a good man.’ ‘And you are … … ?’ quizzed The Keeper, taken aback. ‘Harry's school principal,’ said The Teacher. ‘I'm afraid we just aren't able to offer Harry any extra help without one of your ASD labels.’ ‘I'm sure the Education Overlord will be delighted to hear that. I thought the school system was supposed to respond to the needs of all of its students!’ The Keeper fired back indignantly. ‘Oh come on now, we don't want to miss the funding deadline. You could just make it a provisional ASD Diagnosis. That'll get things started at least.’ The Keeper grimaced. ‘Since when has anyone ever escaped the clutches of a provisional ASD Diagnosis?’ ‘Not much of a listener, are you? Here, look at this checklist. Harry's teachers have had a few goes at this. We think we've got it right this time.’ The Teacher slammed down the paperwork, folded her arms and scowled. ‘Open and shut case if you ask me.’ ‘Hammer-Nail Situation, if you ask me,’ barked The Keeper. ‘Be it on your head then! Like I said – no label, no help, ’ seethed The Teacher. ‘HOLD ON JUST A SECOND!’ shouted Harry's mother, in tears. ‘Can you people stop arguing!’ And then, sadly; ‘Aren't we all supposed to be on the same side … … . Harry's side? I just want to help my little boy.’ The Keeper wobbled on his feet, and leaned against the wall. That really hurt. A sledge-hammer blow to the spot marked ‘empathy’. He inhaled deeply, and drew himself back up to his full height. ‘You're absolutely right. Harry needs help, and he shouldn't have to acquire a disability to get it!’ He turned to The Teacher. ‘Aren't we all sick and tired of dancing to this crazy tune? There are better ways of doing this. Shall we have that conversation instead?’ The Teacher returned The Keeper's gaze, contemplated the invitation, and nodded in agreement. ‘Wonderful ! Please, then, pass this message on to your Overlord’. The Keeper scribbled a note and handed it to The Teacher. The note read; ‘We need to find another path – for the sake of all the Harrys’.

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