
The largets capital of development is sourced from natural resources, therefore, to guarantee the continuous development, the management of natural resources and environment should be carried out professionally and wisely while still taking into account the conditions of the environment and available natural resources in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. The sustainable development strategy in the Katingan Conservation program for Borneo is an effort to improve development through improving the economy and people's welfare while maintaining the preservation of natural resources and the environment. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze a sustainable development strategy model through the Katingan Conservation Program for Borneo in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. With a qualitative descriptive approach where data collection is carried out by observation, interviews and documentation, the results of the research show that the strategy concept undertaken is through environmental sustainability strategies, economic sustainability strategies and socio-cultural sustainability strategies.
 Keywords: sustainable development, conservation of natural resources and environment.

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