
Polotok Salento je krasko obmocje s precejsnjim tveganjem, povezanim s povrsinsko in podzemno vodo. Da bi preprecili poplavljanje, so velike kolicine povrsinskih voda kanalizirali v vrtace. Zaradi tega je v zadnjih letih na vecih mestih prislo do hitrega pogrezanja in udiranja tal. »lanek obravnava dve podrocji, kjer je do tega prislo. The Salento peninsula is a karstic area affected by relevant geological risk mainly due to surface water and groundwater. In particular, sinkholes have been used to convey underground large amount of surface waters (rain water, waste water, etc.) aiming to avoid the flooding of wide land surfaces. However, during the last ten years this input of surface water underground has caused several cases of rapid subsidence. In this paper, the detailed study of two areas which have been recently affected by rapid subsidence is reported.

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