
This article evaluates the discussion concerning the relationship between the Kalām Cosmological Argument (KCA) and Divine Omniscience in recent articles in Sophia (Erasmus and Verhoef Sophia, 54, 411–427, 2015; Loke Sophia, 55(2), 263–272, 2016; Erasmus Sophia, 57, 151–156, 2018a). I argue that, in his latest article, Erasmus is guilty of shifting the focus of the discussion from the KCA to the Infinity Argument (the argument that actual infinities cannot exist). I contribute to the discussion by replying to the four difficulties Erasmus Sophia, 57, 151–156, (2018a: 153) mentions against my defence of the notion that God has an undivided intuition of all reality. I show that Erasmus has failed to allay the worry that the redefinition of omniscience by Erasmus and Verhoef is unmotivated and problematic.

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