
The jury system is a very delicate and dangerous which is regards a very important because it related to a judicial system . So it is necessary to combine efforts in order to examine the system and studying its applications in different countries and see how successful this system is? Which is not enough to examine the results of a particular system in any community if it was successful community and they are encouraged to quote them or transfer them to our legislation , but must coordinate between these results and circumstances of community and the environment in which the system and the factors that helped its inception emerged then compare with our communities situation and our environment and the conditions of our society then turns over the possibility of transferring the jury system . Juries is one of most important step that make citizens contributing to the achievement of justice in different legislation . Moreover , jury ensures the representation of citizens in the formation of the prosecution , trial , or both as citizens not as professionals and therefore it is possible to call on this system that embodies freedom , law and justice as it ensures an important principle which is the principle of democracy of the involvement of the people in the organs of power and governance .

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