
During the past century the excitement of discovering antibiotics as a treatment of infectious diseases has given way to a sense of complacency and acceptance that when faced with antimicrobial resistance there will always be new and better antimicrobial agents to use. Now, with clear indications of a decline in pharmaceutical company interest in anti-infective research, at the same time when multi-drug resistant micro-organisms continue to be reported, it is very important to review the prudent use of the available agents to fight these micro-organisms. Injudicious use of antibiotics is a global problem with some countries more affected than others. There is no dearth of interest in this subject with scores of scholarly articles written about it. While over the counter access to antibiotics is mentioned as an important contributor towards injudicious antibiotic use in developing nations, as shown in a number of studies, there are many provider, practice and patient characteristics which drive antibiotic overuse in developed nations such as the United States. Recognizing that a thorough review of this subject goes far and beyond the page limitations of a review article we provide a summary of some of the salient aspects of this global problem with a focus towards readers practicing in developing nations.

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