
We find in the chapter of Buddha's land (Fotu zhang _??__??__??_) in Ji's _??_ Dacheng fayuan yilin zhang _??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??_ his discussion of the body and land of the Buddha Amitabha. Here it is stated that Amitabha's pure land combines the sambhoga-kaya and nirmana-kaya lands. However, in the chapter on buddha-kaya, Sanshen yilin _??__??__??__??_ in the same work, there is a description which emphasizes that Amitabha is sambhoga-kaya, this opinion being justified by many scriptural citations. Especially Ji's interpretations of the Guyinsheng jing _??__??__??__??__??__??_ and the Guanyin shouji jing _??__??__??__??__??__??__??_ are unique and original. Ji did not accept the theory of Pure Land Buddhism (Jingtujiao _??__??__??_) that ordinary people (fanfu _??__??_) would be able to be born in a sambhoga-kaya's land only by invocation of Amitabha. But I wish to point out in this paper that he was very interested in the fact that Amitabha is a sambhoga-kaya.

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