
The Band-e-Zeyarat ophiolite (BEZO) sedimentary cover in the Makran Accretionary Prism (SE Iran) records a complex tectono-sedimentary evolution, extending from its formation at a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) setting to deformation in an accretionary prism. Stratigraphic and biostratigraphic data indicate the occurrence of a Valanginian transition zone sequence separating the volcanic sequence and pelagic sedimentary cover. The latter consists of lower Hauterivian cherty limestone passing upwards to upper Hauterivian–Barremian marl and limestone. The pelagic sedimentary cover continues with post-Barremian–Cenomanian (?) marls. Arenites are interlayered in the sedimentary cover; they are composed of rock fragments derived from volcanic-arc and continental margin settings. The BEZO sedimentary cover is intruded by dykes and sills showing enriched MOR basalt chemical affinity. Structural analysis indicates a polyphase deformation history that involved faulting and folding. Our multidisciplinary results indicate that the BEZO formed in a MOR setting and that it was subsequently overprinted by off-axis and within-plate magmatism as it spread away from this MOR. The Band-e-Zeyarat oceanic crust was incorporated into the Makran prism in the latest Late Cretaceous–Paleocene and was further deformed via strike-slip faulting along the dextral Minab-Sabzevaran fault during the Miocene–Pliocene. Supplementary material: A geological sketch map of the Band-e-Zeyarat ophiolite, photomicrographs of arenites, microphotographs of selected calcareous nannofossil taxa, a geochemical discrimination diagram, a table with semiquantitative estimation of calcareous nannofossil abundance, and a text with detailed descriptions of analytical methods, accurancy, and detection limits for whole-rock geochemical analysis are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6843835 Thematic collection: This article is part of the Ophiolites, melanges and blueschists collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/topic/collections/ophiolites-melanges-and-blueschists

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