
The work of feminist theo/alogians has generated new and transformative expressions of spirituality. They have challenged the dualistic and androcentric assumptions underlying traditional spiritualities. The inclusion of 'women's experience' in theo/alogical reflection has led to a further awareness of the relationship between narrative, identity and spirituality. For a growing number of feminists, however, the term 'women's experience' has become problematic because of its apparent assumption of an essentialist, universal phenomenon that denies difference and its presupposition of the ontological nature of a 'vision of wholeness'. Further challenges to feminist spiritualities have come from postmodern/ poststructural critiques of the notion of an authentic, unified self. These have prompted some feminist thinkers to reflect upon the multiple and fluid nature of subjectivity as process. Feminist thinkers such as Braidotti and Haraway have called for new 'figurations' to represent the epistemological and social implications of such reflections. This article presents an exploration of ways in which Goddess-talk could contribute to such explorations and provide new images to express as spirituality the process by which we trans-form and re-member subjectivity and identity.

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