
The Principle of mindful journalism says: Discourage conspicuous consumption by all beings because it encourages the causes of suffering, tanha (desire) and upadana (clinging) pinpointed in the second truth, and violates the ethical conduct dimension of the fourth truth. This chapter clarifies the Buddhist theory of truth and relates it to the concept of Mindful journalism. It has appended an excursus on the Buddhist concept of truth at the end to facilitate understanding the basis of the argument on Right Human Action and Right Consumption. The chapter substantiates the interaction, interdependence, and interconnection between mainstream (West-centric) journalism and conspicuous consumption. The ultimate goal of Buddhist religious life, namely nibbana, is described as happiness, and it is said that happiness has nibbana as it's highest. The Buddha refers to happiness as the goal of human life. The Buddha describes four types of happiness namely: happiness of having; happiness of consumption; happiness of being debtless; and happiness of being morally blameless.

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