
view Abstract Citations (60) References (32) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS The Jet of PKS 0521-36: an Aging Counterpart of M87? Keel, W. C. Abstract Imaging photometry and VLA mapping at 2 and 6 cm have been used to study the structure and spectral energy distribution of the jet in PKS 0521 - 36. The jet exhibits a strong knot (1.6 kpc from the nucleus) which is resolved at 2 cm and elongated perpendicular to the jet, in a manner suggesting an internal shock. The optical continuum has a spectral index of -2.0 + or - 0.3, with a mean radio-to-optical index of 0.76; this steepens by 0.07 between the inner and outer parts of the jet. A spectral break frequency about 3 times lower than what is seen in M87 is inferred. The radio data suggest that this difference is mostly due to a lower average magnetic field in PKS 0521 - 36 and that the electron energy distributions in both objects extend to gamma about 10 to the 6th. Galactic environments and jet morphologies are compared for the two galaxies. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: March 1986 DOI: 10.1086/163991 Bibcode: 1986ApJ...302..296K Keywords: Astronomical Spectroscopy; Energy Spectra; Radio Galaxies; Radio Jets (Astronomy); Charge Coupled Devices; Elliptical Galaxies; Galactic Radio Waves; H Alpha Line; Red Shift; Spectral Line Width; Astrophysics; GALAXIES: INDIVIDUAL ALPHANUMERIC: PKS 0521-36; GALAXIES: JETS; INTERFEROMETRY; RADIO SOURCES: GALAXIES full text sources ADS | data products NED (3) SIMBAD (2)

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