
Earlier we have determined that the UTR-2 radio sources with steep linear spectra possess greater jet propagation velocity and lesser characteristic age than the UTR-2 radio sources with steep break spectra. Also examined galaxies and quasars with steep break spectra display greater mean values of the central black hole masses and mass accretion rates, than corresponding these for galaxies and quasars with steep linear spectra. Besides, as we have determined, the radio structure of the UTR-2 steep-spectrum sources is giant, its linear size has Mpc-scale. The source’s giant structure is formed by jets with enveloped radio lobes. So, this indicates on the powerful jets of the radio sources with the steep low-frequency spectra. Since the source jets are connected with the accretion disk of the source, it is important to examine relations of their physical characteristics. With this purpose we obtain estimates of the jet kinetic luminosity for the UTR-2 steep-spectrum sources on the assumption of the equality of the corresponding mass accretion rate and the jet matter flux. Using our calculated values of the jet propagation velocity and the mass accretion rate for the UTR-2 steep-spectrum galaxies and quasars, we estimate their jet kinetic luminosities. The obtained values of the jet kinetic luminosities are ~ 1045 erg/s, pointing out the great power of jets for the examined steep-spectrum sources. It is essential, that the examined objects display the relation of their kinetic luminosity and corresponding redshift (cosmological evolution).

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