
The present study aims at investigating the biography of one of the Ayyubids dynasty Emirs (princes) who ruled Damascus during the reign of Sultan Al-Adel II, the Jawad King Yunus. The study also attempts to explore the system of his regime through his internal regulations and foreign relations with the Sultans and Emirs of the Ayyubids and their allies. Further, the study sheds more light on him allying with the Franks against his Ayyubid cousins after which he ended up in prison where he died in 641 H/ 1243 AD. The study concludes that during the rule of this lavish King over Damascus, tyranny prevailed through adopting an individualistic approach during; he also used his army to confiscate the properties and money of both the aristocrats and the masses and to abuse them. This later lead to him losing all his powers and properties not only in Damascus but also all over the states which he once ruled. Keyword: The Jawad; Al-Adel II; An-Nassir; Daoud; As-Saleh Ayyoub; Damascus government.

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