
JAZ (Jasmonate ZIM-domain) proteins are important repressors in JA signaling pathway. JAZs were proved taking part in various development processes and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in Arabiodopsis. However, in tomato, the functional study of JAZs is rare, especially on plant growth and development. Here, a typical tomato JAZ gene, SlJAZ2 was isolated. Tomato plants overexpressing SlJAZ2 exhibited quicker leaf initiation, reduced plant height and internode length, decreasing trichomes, earlier lateral bud emergence and advanced flowering transition. Further experiments showed that the pith cells in transgenic plant stem were much smaller than wild-type and the genes related to cell elongation and gibberellin biosynthesis were down-regulated. Genes mediating trichome formation were also inhibited in plant stem epidermis. In addition, the flower initiation of transgenic plants were earlier and genes controlling flowering time were up-regulated significantly after SlJAZ2 was overexpressed. Our research demonstrates that SlJAZ2 accelerates the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth.

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