
In the newly formed Kingdom of Italy the first Intelligence operations were focused on the public order protection and the citizens’ security. This analytical, theory-building article examines the pre-existing core of the Italian Intelligence from the pre-unitarian Italian States to the First World War from a different perspective, evaluating the culturally transmitted factors that influence politico-military elites, security communities, and decision-makers.


  • Open AccessThe notions of security and stability are central to our contemporary society

  • The following article will evolve around the notions of the Italian Intelligence and the application of strategic warning, Intelligence, policy failures, and strategic foresight referred to the Italian Intelligence before the 1861 unification process and to the First World War

  • In the newly formed Kingdom of Italy the first Intelligence operations were focused on the public order protection and the citizens’ security (Viviani, 1985), and were based upon an already existing military and civilian organization that employed a discontinuous number of informers and agents

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The notions of security and stability are central to our contemporary society. Social and State security is a major pillar if not a prerequisite of a democratic system. The ability or inability to provide security is central to democratic Nations. In the near future the Intelligence agencies and governments will increasingly depend on those warning mechanisms which can promptly respond to an even more and complicated task, the prevention of security. The following article will evolve around the notions of the Italian Intelligence and the application of strategic warning, Intelligence, policy failures, and strategic foresight referred to the Italian Intelligence before the 1861 unification process and to the First World War

Research Questions
Research Methods
Literature Review
Colonna Vilasi
The First World War
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