
<strong>Context:</strong> Older people living in LTCF were particularly affected by COVID-19. Italy was the first country in Europe to experience high death rates among older people. Analysing the factors which may have determined high mortality rates in LTCF and identifying actions to safeguard older people’s health in long-term care settings may be critical for future public health emergencies. <strong>Objectives: </strong>Identify the main challenges and failures faced by a small number of Italian professionals working in LTCF and suggest key actions to better protect older people’s health in future emergencies. <strong>Methods: </strong>Rapid survey conducted among Italian professionals working in the LTC sector in Italy during the pandemic. <strong>Findings: </strong>Several factors contributed to higher death rates in LTCF for older people in Italy. To better protect LTCF residents in case of future health emergencies, actions need to be implemented in relation to LTCF’s management, governance and capacity building. Furthermore, safety plans and strategies need to be put in place to ensure older residents’ protection and maintain high level of care in LTCF during public health emergencies, such as COVID-19. <strong>Limitations:</strong> The article reflects the opinions of a limited number of professionals working in the long-term care sector, which may not be representative of all workers operating in the sector. <strong>Implications: </strong>Policy and system changes are needed to strengthen the capacity of the Italian long- term care sector to respond to the needs of a growing older population in the context of COVID-19 and beyond.

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