
The parametric catalogue of Italian earthquakes CPTI15 (Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani) represents the latest of a 45-years-long tradition of earthquake catalogues for Italy, and a significant innovation with respect to its predecessors. CPTI15 combines all known information on significant Italian earthquakes of the period 1000–2017, balancing instrumental and macroseismic data. Although the compilation criteria are the same as in the previous CPTI11 version, released in 2012, the catalogue has been revised as concerns: the time coverage, extended to 2017; the associated macroseismic data, improved in quantity and quality; the considered instrumental data, new and/or updated; the energy thresholds, lowered to maximum or epicentral intensity 5 or magnitude 4.0 (instead of 5–6 and 4.5, respectively); the determination of parameters from macroseismic data, based on a new calibration; the instrumental magnitudes, resulting from new sets of data and new conversion relationships to Mw. The catalogue considers and harmonizes data of different types and origins, both macroseismic and instrumental. For all earthquakes, the magnitude is given in terms of true or proxy moment magnitude (Mw), with the related uncertainty. The compilation procedure rigorously implements data and methods published in peer-reviewed journals. All data and methods are clearly indicated in the catalogue, in order to guarantee the maximum transparency of the compilation procedures. As compared to previous CPTI releases, the final CPTI15 catalogue shows a frequency–magnitude distribution coherent with current Italian instrumental catalogues, making it suitable for statistical analysis of the time-space property of the Italian seismicity.

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