
The literary work has its own complexity of translating from one language to another, one of which is the translation of national words. This article is aimed to the problem of translating non-equivalent lexicons of national words, as well as historical costumes, which is one of the current issues in translation studies. Emphasizing the same interpretation of historical and national words in literary translation is one of the most challenging and, at the same time, very responsible issues of translation practice. In this article the names of clothes that are typical of the Uzbek national color: hats, tops and shoes are classified and their expression in Hindi are provided. The great deal of attention was paid to the national colors on the usage of the names of historical costumes of the novels “Heritage of Ulugbek” Ullegbeck's Heritage by Odil Yokubov and “Yulduzli tunlar” Babur by Pirimkul Kodirov while translating them into Hindi. Methods of translating into Hindi were also examined and analyzed. The article details how words such as chakmon, yaktak, beqasam tun, satin, kimkhob tun, abo, taqya, telpak, chogirma, dastor, bork, taqi, mahsi, kavush are reflected and illuminated in the translation. It quotes a number of scholars who have translated the names of historical and national costumes. As literary sources for this scientific article are considered to be chosen the works of the famous Uzbek writer Odil Yakubov's “The Treasure of Ulugbek” and Pirimkul Kadirov's “Starry Nights” and their translation into Hindi by a skilled translator Sudhir Kumar Mathur. The translation highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the work. In addition to Hindi, Pirimkul Kadirov's “Starry Nights” has been translated into Urdu by Manzar Salim and into English as “Starry Nights” by teachers at Samarkand University of Foreign Languages. Odil Yakubov's “Treasure of Ulugbek” has been translated into Turkish, Russian and French.

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