
English is a modern and stable language for international communication. All progressive countries have long been leaders in their study and knowledge. That is, the success of the country directly depends on the level of knowledge of the most large-scale and universal language in the world. However, due to the unstable, imperfect, and weak English language system in the Ukrainian HEIs and in the country as a whole, we are unable to keep up with the times and to be at the proper level of political and economic development alongside the leading countries of the world. That is why many innovations and changes are being introduced at the current stage of education development in Ukraine, including the legislation. The field of English in higher education has always been and still is, the Achilles' heel. The overstated requirements and inconsistency of the tasks set for their implementation are what characterize the status of English language learning in the Defense Law in Ukraine. Ongoing implementation of updated standards and, in return, no improvements and prospects. According to statistics, the vast majority of the population of all foreign languages still understand English the best. And even after graduation, they have an adequate level of knowledge of the international language of communication. However, over the years of studying at the HEI, previously acquired language skills can not only improve but also preserve existing knowledge. The purpose of the article is: ⎯ study of the status of studying English in higher education institutions, which is fixed at the legislative level; to find out the problem of the status of studying English in the HEI in Ukraine; ⎯ finding out the meaning of English and learning it; ⎯ Consideration of the state perspectives of English language development in the Higher Education of Ukraine, in particular regarding the future requirements for the English language students and the concept of English language development in higher education in Ukraine; analyze the relationship between English language proficiency in the country and its political and economic development status. The importance of English to open new horizons and opportunities for people is recognized by Ukraine and is embedded in many national initiatives and strategies where English is recognized as key, including: ⎯ recognition of the need to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian scientists and graduates at national and international levels; ⎯ striving for internationalization of higher education; ⎯ programs for academic and educational integration within the EU; compulsory learning of English in primary and secondary education; ⎯ Adoption of the National Framework of the Professional English Curriculum for Use in the Defense Law of Ukraine; ⎯ defining the study of foreign languages, in particular English, as a priority of domestic policy in the strategic documents of Ukraine. Thus, the Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine-2020" within the framework of the Program of popularization of Ukraine in the world and promotion of Ukraine's interests in the world information space "envisages strengthening of the institutional capacity for the implementation of international strategic communications; increasing and optimizing Ukraine's presence at international events and venues; presence in the international academic, cultural and social environment. ⎯ English Year in Ukraine (2016) and more. [4] Keywords: English, higher education in Ukraine, the language of international communication, reform of the higher education system in Ukraine, HEI.

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