
Purpose of the study. With the emergence of new requirements for higher education institutions in the educational market services and in the labor market, there is a need to find effective methods of managing education in the conditions of the development of market relations; universities and institutions are faced with the task of creating techniques for ensuring the quality of educational services. Particular relevance is the formation of a system for ensuring the quality of education for different categories of students, including persons with disabilities. The purpose of the study is to review the situation with the state of inclusive education, based on foreign experience as an attempt to analyze the situation in other countries, as well as provide recommendations for further improvement in order to make inclusive education a reality for a large number of children and their families. It is possible that these studies will help to create an inspirational climate more conducive to “education for all” in society and make it easier for children who may have been excluded from education in the past.Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was activity, personality-oriented, systemic, project and individually creative approaches. The volume of materials can be conditionally divided into several groups - decrees and resolutions of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, reports and studies of international organizations, works of scholars and researchers. An analysis of the historiography of the issue showed that despite of a significant number of studies in the field of education, including inclusive education, there are still no studies that analyze foreign experience and integrate that data on study in the field of inclusive education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. This article is an attempt to analyze the situation in Uzbekistan, consider the measures taken in the Republic of Uzbekistan to introduce inclusive education, analyze the experience of other countries and offer recommendations.Results. Significant work is being done in Uzbekistan to create living conditions; education for people with disabilities, a legislative framework has been created to make conditions for the further development of people with disabilities. The article explores the experience of foreign countries and Central Asian countries in the development of inclusive education. Especially, the situation with the education of persons with disabilities in Uzbekistan are being reviewed, besides, the access of children to get education, as well as receiving vocational and higher education is being studied in addition with the legislative framework in this specialty. It is noted that the problem of disabled people with education is one of the central issues for the republic.Conclusion. Thus, we conclude that the social inclusion of children and adults with disabilities requires broad systemic changes and a multisectoral approach that removes institutional and structural barriers, allowing persons with disabilities to meet their basic needs related to health, rehabilitation, economic and social security as well as learning and skills development within living in their communities.In our conditions, which are unfavorable for the most independent life of disabled people, reducing the degree of state responsibility for the well-being of citizens with disabilities is fraught with high social risks. The transition to independent living and inclusion should be carried out using development guidelines by taking into account national interests and socio-economic contexts, the emphasis should be on removing barriers to provide young people with disabilities with education.

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