
Volatility of returns of the financial assets, and the volatility of the inflation and aggregate demand, are important issues in the Financial markets, and the macro- monetary economics. In this article, the volatility in the stock and bond markets are surveyed and discussed in detail. Our view is that the higher volatility in the long-term rates than in the short-term rates, may be due to the higher leverage effect in the long-term markets and rates than in the short -term rates. In the previous century, last fifty years, the average stock returns were much higher and the expected return or the cost of capital was lower. The conditional volatility models and the volatility spill over between the spot and futures markets and their implications are deeply explored in this article along with the price discovery between spot and futures markets and the conditions for the efficiency in these markets. In our section dealing with Macro- monetary economics, the effect of the variability of inflation on the demand for money function, on the nominal rates of interest, and on the slope of the aggregate supply curve, are brought into sharp focus and is being discussed through the relevant literature survey.

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