
The article highlights the issues of patriotic education of medical college students. Development of the volunteer movement. Volunteer activity is a condition for the formation of components of students' resilience, as it gives them the opportunity to fulfill themselves, gain life experience, show humane qualities and feel satisfaction from socially useful activities. In the process of volunteering, students — future doctors — have an organic combination of mercy and professional skills, which allows them to effectively engage in volunteering. Participation in volunteering forms students' readiness for independent decision-making, develops susceptibility to the problems of society. Target. Creation of conditions for the education of patriotic feelings of students by updating the forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influence, the development of the student's personal culture, as the basis of his love for the Fatherland through participation in volunteer activities. Results. The volunteer squad, organized at the college level, has been developed to the level of regional participation. Conclusion. Thus, the ongoing work showed the need to organize and involve future medical workers in volunteer activities in order to solve the following tasks: unlocking the potential of volunteering for the professional development of a future employee; increasing the level of social activity of students in the process of practical solution of the needs of the population; formation of readiness for the implementation of volunteer activities.

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