
It has been suggested that female goats in permanent contact with males become refractory to their presence, and need to be previously separated from them for 40–45 days if the presence of bucks is to induce reproductive activity, ovulation and oestrous during seasonal anoestrous. The present study examines the reproductive response (ovulation and oestrus) and reproductive performance of does isolated from bucks for different periods before their reintroduction to male company. A total of 103 Payoya and Blanca Andaluza does were distributed into six treatment groups that required their isolation from males for different periods: 0 days (N = 29), 5 days (N = 15), 10 days (N = 14), 20 days (N = 16), 30 days (N = 14) and 39 days (N = 15). After this period they were introduced to sexually active bucks (ensured to be in this condition by keeping them under long days light treatment for three months), and oestrous activity was recorded daily by direct visual observation of the marks left by the marking harnesses worn by these males. Ovulation was confirmed via the plasma progesterone concentration (measured in blood samples taken twice per week). The ovulation rate was assessed by transrectal ultrasonography. Fecundity, fertility, prolificacy and productivity were also determined. The sexual behaviour of the males towards the females was also monitored on Days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 after their meeting with the latter. The length of the female isolation period had no effect on the percentage of does that responded to contact with the males, nor did it affect the oestrous response, fecundity, fertility or productivity. The males, however, undertook more ano-genital sniffing and nudging with the 5 day group females compared to those of the other groups (P < 0.05). However, the sexual behaviour of the males changed as the days passed, with ano-genital sniffing becoming less common, and nudging, licking, sneezing and mounts with intromission more frequent on Days 8 and 9 than on Day 0, 1 and 2 after the sexes were reunited (P < 0.05). These results show that the isolation of females is not necessary for an efficient male effect if the bucks used are sexually active. In addition, the sexual behaviour of the bucks changes as the time in contact with the does increases, but in general is not affected by the duration of female isolation.

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