
The existence of Non-Governmental Organization in Indian society is as old as the existence of human civilization. The very root of volunteerism may be found in the ancient as well as medieval period. During 19th century, the volunteerism was manifested in diverse forms like religion and social reforms, where efforts were made to remove certain evil customs and practices both in Hindu and Muslim societies. In the modern times, the voluntary services have become so large that it is not possible for the government alone to tackle it. The Non-Governmental Organizations [NGOs] have not only undertaken constructive works but have also exercised surveillance over the government in its role and accountabilities towards society at large. These is a close relations in between massive earthquake, followed by killer Tsunami hit on 26th December 2004 in Indian Ocean and emergence of services of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the Andaman and Nicobar island‘s society.

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