
The Jewish tradition has had more than three thousand years to evolve, the Christian tradition has had almost exactly two thousand, while the Islamic tradition is in its 14th century at the time of writing. This obviously means that the Islamic tradition could draw upon the Jewish and the Christian traditions when this was considered desirable, and they have done so. Indeed, the tradition records that Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham, was the originating person behind the religion which Mohammed brought into such sharp focus in the years the Christians call 600AD and following. The Quran is, of course, the Islamic Holy Book, but the importance of the other writings is acknowledged within it. In Sura Five, “The Table” [Quran 5:48], we find:- “Surely we sent down the Torah, in which there is guidance and light…… and we sent, following in (the rabbis’) footsteps, Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Torah before him, and We gave to him the Gospel, wherein there is guidance and light…… ”

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