
Islamic religious learning system through the CTL Contextual Teaching and Learning model in improving the thinking ability of madrasah students in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic religious education in madrasah includes (al-Qur'an-Hadits, Morality, Jurisprudence, and Cultural History of Islam). Learning Islamic religious education often uses lecture methods so students feel bored and even disparage when studying their Islamic Education while doing other activities. The author is interested in choosing this topic because no one has researched with the same title. The benefits of this research are expected to help teachers, especially those who teach Islamic education in madrasah. The reason other researchers are not interested in this title is that they think the CTL method cannot be used to improve the quality of learning, especially PAI in madrash. While in this study the authors tried to find direct effects, especially CTL can improve students' thinking skills in madrasah. The research method uses a qualitative approach and study documentation. Data processing in using the critical-analytical method, which is analyzing and interpreting data. The author is interested in researching with the title above because he wants to prove that the Islamic religious learning system through the CTL model can improve the thinking ability of madrasa students. The research findings are the Islamic religious education learning system through CTL, a learning approach that emphasizes the process of full involvement of students to be able to find the material being studied and relate it to real life situations and conditions. Research conclusions: Implementation of Islamic religious education learning system through the CTL model in improving the thinking ability of Islamic boarding school students through stages of constructivism (constructionvism), Inquiry (finding), Questioning (asking), Learning Community (learning community), Modeling (modeling), Reflection (reflection), and Authentic Assessment (actual assessment). Implications of research, students' thinking ability will increase because they are given the freedom to explore their learning. So the Islamic religious education learning system through the CTL model can improve students' thinking abilities and enthusiasm of students to continue learning and discover for themselves (material/concepts) what they learn.


  • The author is interested in researching with the title above because he wants to prove that the Islamic religious learning system through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model can improve the thinking ability of madrasa students

  • The research findings are the Islamic religious education learning system through CTL, a learning approach that emphasizes the process of full involvement of students to be able to find the material being studied and relate it to real life situations and conditions

  • One of them is the learning of Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools, for madrasas consisting of: Ibtidaiyah, Tsanawiyah and Aliyah covering subjects, which must be given to students and must be taught at every level. madrasa in Islamic boarding schools

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Understanding Islamic boarding school is a community-based institution and was founded by individuals, foundations, Islamic community organizations, and/or communities who instill faith and piety in Allah SWT. inferiority, tolerance, balance, moderate, and other noble values of the Indonesian nation through education, Islamic preaching, example, and community empowerment within the framework of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. [1]. On until grade 6 madrasas ibtidaiyah, that Islamic religious education learning system through the contextual teaching and learning model in improving the thinking ability of madrasah students in Islamic boarding schools. Based on the results of the interview [18] indicated that the Islamic religious education learning system through the Contextual Teaching And Learning model in improving the thinking ability of students in the Tsanawiyah madrasah Islamic boarding school in Al-Hamid, Cipayung, East Jakarta, has been applied proportionally, it has not fully taken place maximally. Islamic religious education learning system through the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in improving the thinking ability of madrasah students in the al-Hamid Islamic boarding school in Cipayung, East Jakarta aims to further improve the quality and quality of the Islamic religious education learning system process, to be more productive and meaningful. Based on observational interviews and study documentation of madrasah in the AlHamid Islamic boarding school, it has implications that the educational learning system of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model can arouse enthusiasm and challenge students to continue learning and discover for themselves (material / concepts) what they learn

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