
The extension of this paper is a presentation about the experimental results regarding the influence of the irrigation over the production of the soy beans protein. The comparation of the hydro-alchoholic method of protein extraction with the method of extraction in water, hexan and ethanol solvents was watched and was chosen with of the 2 methods have the best extraction efficency. In the experience it has been working with samples of the soy kinds Diamond, Perl and Agat not modified geneticly, of unirrigated and irrigated cultures got from the Nutriceutical Resource Center Tureni.In the experiences made in 2006 it has been watched the comparation of the hydro-alcoholic method of protein extraction with the method of extraction in the hexan, ethanol and water solvents and deciding which of the 2 methods has the best extraction results. Also it has been watched over the cantity determination of protein held by soy beans, from the irrigated and unirrigated culture, with the Kjeldhal method.

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