
Objective: During the COVID-19 pandemic some mental disorders have been especially increased. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between individuals' coronavirus anxiety, cyberchondria, and online shopping addiction during the pandemic, we are in, and try to explain the factors associated with these features. 
 Method: The data consists of 407 people between the ages of 18-65 who answered a sufficient number of questions on the scales with the help of the online environment by google questionnaire method between January 18 th, 2021, and February 18th, 2021. Participants were asked to fill in the socio-demographic form, cyberchondria severity scale (CSS), compulsive purchasing scale (BSAS), and coronavirus anxiety (CAS) scales. 
 Results: In this study, 79.6% of the participants stated that their anxiety increased, 63.4% stated that the frequency of shopping online increased, and 39.8% stated that the number of disease searches on the internet increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the correlations of the CAS, CSS, BSAS scales with each other, a statistically significant positive moderate correlation was found between CAS and CSS (r: 0.495, p

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