
The research of the objects of the the past environmental damage on the Vilkitsky Island located in the Kara Sea. The central part of northern coast where the abandoned objects of the air defense point and the polar station are located is subject to technogenic influence. Around them and on the bank of the Kara sea there are dumps for solid household and industrial waste. Water bodies on the affected part of the island s are polluted with oil and heavy metals. Water quality corresponds to 4, 5 and 6 classes (polluted, dirty and very dirty). Concentrations of oil and heavy metals in the bottom sediments of reservoirs exceeding levels of pollution in the background sites accordingly in 17 and 3, 7 times are found out. In soils of the island’s background sites oil are not found out, and the concentration of heavy metals are extremely low - in 1,6–5 times lower than in a the continental tundra zone and at 2–12 time lower than in the midland of Russia. The background concentration of heavy metals established on the basis of a representative sample in sandy tundra soils can be of interest for the subsequent researches of other Arctic territories combined by young marine sediments. At the polluted sites admissible level of the maintenance of oil is exceeded by 1,3–6,7 times. The content of heavy metals is dominated by soils polluted to an admissible and moderately dangerous level, and in some cases — dangerous and extremely dangerous level. The polluted sites are restricted; the passports of the objects of the past environmental damage were compiled for them. Recommendations about carrying out of actions about liquidation of the past environmental damage are made.

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