
Given a measure m on the real line or a finite interval, the cubic string is the third-order ODE − ϕ′′′ = zmϕ where z is a spectral parameter. If equipped with Dirichlet-like boundary conditions this is a non-self-adjoint boundary value problem which has recently been shown to have a connection to the Degasperis–Procesi nonlinear water wave equation. In this paper, we study the spectral and inverse spectral problem for the case of Neumann-like boundary conditions which appear in a high-frequency limit of the Degasperis–Procesi equation. We solve the spectral and inverse spectral problem for the case of m being a finite positive discrete measure. In particular, explicit determinantal formulae for the measure m are given. These formulae generalize Stieltjes' formulae used by Krein in his study of the corresponding second-order ODE −ϕ″ = zmϕ.

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