
It is shown that a bounded bi-infinite banded totally positive matrix A is boundedly invertible iff there is one and only one bounded sequence mapped by A to the sequence ((-)')■ The argument shows that such a matrix has a main diagonal, i.e., the inverse of A is the bounded pointwise limit of inverses of finite sections of A principal with respect to a particular diagonal; hence ((—)'+^4~ (j, 7» or its inverse is again totally positive. 0. Introduction. This paper is a further step in a continuing effort to understand certain linear spline approximation schemes. Convergence of such processes is intimately tied to their stability, i.e., to their boundedness, as maps on C, say. Use of the B-spline basis shows this question to be equivalent to bounding the inverse of certain totally positive band matrices. The calculation of bounds on the inverse of a given matrix is in general a difficult task. It is hoped that the present investigation into the consequences of bandedness and total positivity for the structure of the inverse may ultimately prove helpful in obtaining such bounds. The results in this paper were obtained in the study of a conjecture due to C. A. Micchelli (7). In connection with his work on the specific approximation scheme of interpolation at a (strictly increasing) point sequence t by elements of Sm t, i.e., by splines of some order m with some knot sequence T = (/,), Micchelli became convinced that every bounded function has one and only one bounded spline interpolant iff the particular function which satisfies /(t,) = (-)', all /', has a bounded spline interpolant in Sm,. If (Ni) = (Ni mt) denotes the corresponding B-spline basis for Sm,, then Micchelli's conjecture can be phrased thus: The matrix

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