
The Intronerator (http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/ approximately kent/intronerator/ ) is a set of web-based tools for exploring RNA splicing and gene structure in Caenorhabditis elegans. It includes a display of cDNA alignments with the genomic sequence, a catalog of alternatively spliced genes and a database of introns. The cDNA alignments include >100 000 ESTs and almost 1000 full-length cDNAs. ESTs from embryos and mixed stage animals as well as full-length cDNAs can be compared in the alignment display with each other and with predicted genes. The alt-splicing catalog includes 844 open reading frames for which there is evidence of alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. The intron database includes 28 478 introns, and can be searched for patterns near the splice junctions.

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