
We propose a detailed quantitative scheme for explaining the anomalous electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels of repeating sequence DNA. We assume that such DNA adopts a superhelical configuration in these circumstances, and migrates less quickly than straight DNA of the same length because it can only pass through larger holes. The retardation is maximal when the length of the DNA reaches one superhelical turn, but is less for shorter pieces. We attribute the curvature of the superhelix to different angles of roll at each kind of dinucleotide step, i.e. an opening up of an angle by an increased separation on the minor-groove side. The main effect is due to a difference of about 3 ° in roll values between AA TT and other steps, together with a difference of about 1 ° in the angle of helical twist: we deduce these values explicitly from some of the available data on gelrunning. The scheme involves a simple calculation of the superhelical parameters for any given repeating sequence, and it gives a good correlation with all of the available data. We argue that these same base-step angular parameters are also consistent with observations from X-ray diffraction of crystallized oligomers, and particularly with the recent data on CGCA 6GCG from Nelson et al. We are concerned here with the intrinsic curvature of unconstrained DNA, as distinct from the curvature of DNA in association with protein molecules; and this paper represents a first attempt at an absolute determination.

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