
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the top comorbidities associated with COVID-19-both pre- and post-infection. This review examines the relationships between COVID-19 infection and cardiovascular health, with a specific focus on diet as an important modifiable risk factor. Pandemic era studies of individuals battling and recovering from COVID-19 infection suggest a strong link between metabolic diseases, such as CVD, and SARS-CoV-2 infection susceptibility and severity. Other studies also demonstrate how COVID-19 lockdown policies and quarantine recommendations led to drastic lifestyle changes associated with increased CVD risk, such as reduced physical activity and lower diet quality. At the same time, new research is emerging that plant-based diets, which have previously been associated with lower CVD risk, may lower COVID-19 infection rates and severity of symptoms. Diet, COVID-19, and CVD intersect through complex biological mechanisms and related behavioral factors evidenced by clinical trials and epidemiological studies. Diet may be a critical tool for modifying risk of communicable and non-communicable conditions in the post-pandemic world.

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