
The present research is an exploration of the interplay between simulacrum, hyper-reality and identity as presented in Hamid’s fiction. Simulation and hyper-reality created through media and globalization profoundly affect the socio-cultural identities of the various male and female characters in the novel in both positive and negative ways. Furthermore, consumer capitalism, westernization and hyper-mediated experiences make the characters believe in false realities thus leading them to chaos and identity crisis. These hyper-realties push the characters to undergo mental, emotional, psychological and socio-cultural conflicts. Thus, in an attempt to seek their identity and true self through blind imitation of the western culture, they are led further away from their cultural roots. The theoretical insights for this study shall be drawn from postmodern theory, specifically Baudrillard’s concept of simulacrum and hyper-reality. This qualitative inquiry shall be carried out by close reading and analysis of the selected textual lines in the context of the chosen framework. The significance of this research lies in the fact that it demonstrates how fictional characters specifically and humans generally are increasingly pushed to dwell in a hyper-reality created through simulation due to globalization. The repercussions of which are far reaching including a crisis of one’s own identity and perception of self in a society that is increasingly being disoriented due to the flux of globalization.

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