
We analyse, within the “flavoured” leptogenesis scenario of baryon asymmetry generation, the interplay of “low energy” CP-violation, originating from the PMNS neutrino mixing matrix U, and “high energy” CP-violation, which can be present in the matrix of neutrino Yukawa couplings, λ, and can manifest itself only in “high” energy scale processes. The type I see-saw model with three heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos having a hierarchical spectrum is considered. The “orthogonal” parameterisation of the matrix of neutrino Yukawa couplings, which involves a complex orthogonal matrix R, is employed. In this approach the matrix R is the source of “high energy” CP-violation. Results for normal hierarchical (NH) and inverted hierarchical (IH) light neutrino mass spectrum are derived in the case of decoupling of the heaviest right-handed Majorana neutrino. It is shown that taking into account the contribution to Y B due to the CP-violating phases in the neutrino mixing matrix U can change drastically the predictions for Y B , obtained assuming that only “high energy” CP-violation from the R-matrix is operative in leptogenesis. In the case of the IH spectrum, in particular, there exist significant regions in the corresponding parameter space where the purely “high energy” contribution in Y B plays a subdominant role in the production of baryon asymmetry compatible with the observations.

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