
The Internet of everything (IoE) is the networked connection of people, processes, data and things. It contains the Internet of things (IoT) and the Internet of humans (IoH). An immense network of things and humans communicating and providing information to improve our lives. The prediction is that in 2020 over 20 billion things will be interconnected and will generate valuable data. The stream of data IoE will produce can be turned into actionable information and will provide numerous opportunities and will be omnipresent. However, this is merely a prediction since the development of technology beyond 2050 is still undefined. Will Human Bond Communication (HBC), the novel concept that incorporates smell, taste and feel in the exchange of information, be feasible? If the technology to create an HBC ecosystem is developed in 2050 HBC will bring transformational changes and a paradigm shift. Next to HBC communication with merely our thoughts might also be a possibility in 2050. Even though we do not own a crystal ball the aim of this chapter is to fast forward to 2050 and to envision the evolution of the IoE and to predict the anticipated impact and opportunities.

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