
The International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies (hereinafter, the Federation) grew from a long and deep history of friendship and teaching between fa- cial plastic surgeons practicing around the globe. There are too many to mention all, but Eugene Tardy, Tony Bull, Fernando Pedroza, and Claus Walter are examples of sur- geons who recognized the importance of international teaching and cooperation many years ago. Eugene Tardy taught widely in Europe and Latin America, in addition to training his many Fellows and residents in the United States. He was a mentor to Gilbert Nolst Trenite, among other future leaders of the Federation. Tony Bull taught worldwide and was a wise mentor to many younger sur- geons from the United States and Europe. He was a transformative leader of the European Academy of Fa- cial Plastic Surgery. Fernando Pedroza had the courage and insight to bring his family to Boston, Massachu- setts, to study with Richard Webster. He brought that knowledge and experience back to Bogota, Colombia, where he established one of the most well-known and innovative plastic surgery clinics in Latin America. Claus Walter deserves an article or more of his own. He is a modest and immensely talented surgeon who sacri- ficed much to study in the United States and subse- quently made many creative contributions to facial plas- tic surgery. He is still a vital force in facial plastic surgery at more than 80 years of age.

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