
There was considerable fluctuation as to the actual name of the International Committee. Mourad Kamel, a Coptic member of the committee, published an essay in January 1957 in the Egypt Travel Magazine that included a picture of a sign with flags apparently used at the meeting, with the title 'International Committee of Gnosticism 1956', which he used in French translation in his essay. Hence 'International Committee of Gnosticism' is the title used here, as being the nearest thing to an official title. But the Agenda was entitled 'The International Committee for Coptic Gnostic Papyri in the Coptic Museum', which seems to function as a title, but is too lengthy to have achieved wide acceptance. Puech preferred International Committee of Publication of the Papyri of Nag Hamadi, which had the advantage of including in the title his publication rights. Quispel referred to the Committee for the Publication of the Gnostic Manuscripts.Keywords: Coptic Museum; Egypt; Gnosticism; Gospel; International Committee; Nag Hammadi

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