
Minor-vein anatomy, sugar content, sugar synthesis, and translocation were studied in mature leaves of nine members of the Scrophulariaceae to determine if there is a correlation between companion-cell type and class of sugar translocated. Three types of companion cell were found: intermediary cells with extensive plasmodesmatal connections to the bundle sheath; transfer cells with wall ingrowths and few plasmodesmata; and ‘ordinary’ companion cells with few plasmodesmata and no wall ingrowths. Alonsoa warscewiczii Regal., Verbascum chaixi Vill., and Mimulus cardinalis Dougl. ex. Benth. have intermediary cells and ordinary companion cells in the minor veins. These plants synthesize large amounts of raffinose and stachyose as well as sucrose. Nemesia strumosa Benth., and Rhodochiton atrosanguineum Zucc. have both intermediary cells and transfer cells and make proportionately less raffinose oligosaccharide than the species above. In N. strumosa, a single sieve element may abut both an intermediary cell and a transfer cell. The minor veins of Asarina scandens (Cav.) Penn. have transfer cells and what appear to be modified intermediary cells that have fewer plasmodesmata than other species, and occasional wall ingrowths. Asarina scandens synthesizes little raffinose or stachyose. Cymbalaria muralis P. Gaertn et al. and Linaria maroccana Hook.f. have only transfer cells and Digitalis grandiflora Mill. has only ordinary companion cells; these species make a trace of galactinol and raffinose, but no stachyose. Translocation experiments indicate that there is long-distance movement of raffinose oligosaccharide in these plants, even when it is synthesized in very small quantities in the leaves. We conclude that intermediary cells are as distinct a cell type as the transfer cell. In contrast to transfer cells, which are specialized for uptake of solute from the apoplast, intermediary cells are specialized for symplastic transfer of photoassimilate from the mesophyll and for synthesis of raffinose oligosaccharide. This supports our contention that raffinose oligosaccharide synthesis and symplastic phloem loading are mechanistically linked (Turgeon and Gowan 1990, Plant Physiol. 94, 1244–1249). Minor-vein anatomy and sugar synthesis may be useful characters in determining the phylogenetic relationships of plants in this family.

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