
The Vago interferon-like protein participates in the interplay between interferon regulatory factors and the expression of immune-responsive genes. Vago was initially perceived to participate only in the antiviral activation through JAK/STAT pathway. However, certain isoforms of Vago can stimulate antimicrobial responses. Here we identify Vago isoforms in Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (FmVagos) and how they function in antiviral and antibacterial responses against highly invasive pathogens, including white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VPAHPND). Three isoforms of FmVagos were identified: FmVago4, FmVago5a, and FmVago5b, and expressed throughout tissues of the shrimp. During infection, FmVago4, FmVago5a, and FmVago5b, were up-regulated after WSSV and VPAHPND challenges at certain time points. Pre-injection of purified recombinant FmVago4 (rVago4), FmVago5a (rVago5a), and FmVago5b (rVago5b) proteins could significantly reduce the mortality of shrimp upon WSSV infection, while the increase of survival rate of VPAHPND-infected shrimp was observed only in rVago4 treatment. The immunity routes that FmVagos might instigate in response to the pathogens were examined by qRT-PCR, revealing that the JAK/STAT pathway was activated after introducing rVago4, rVago5a, and rVago5b, while the Toll/IMD pathway and proPO system, combined with PO activity, were provoked only in the rVago4-treated shrimp. Our finding suggests cross-talk between Vago's antiviral and antimicrobial responses in shrimp immunity. These findings complement previous studies in which Vago and its specific isoform could promote viral and bacterial clearance in shrimp.

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