
Songket is an aesthetic fabric which is showed by the complexity of songket patterns which encourage the Malay weavers to be more patient, diligent, and creative in ideas and furthermore become excellent in mathematics. Songket and mathematics cannot be separated as it is needed in all the processes as to produce the beautiful results of songket patterns. This paper is about the analysis of Malaysian songket patterns with the use of 2D plane method which are the wallpaper patterns (badan kain and kepala kain) and frieze patterns on its border patterns (punca kain, kaki kain, and kepala kain). This paper is also based on the classification of Malaysian songket patterns which are from kain sarung and kain lepas/selendang (shawl), based on their geometric symmetries on the plane. It constitutes an extremely valuable tool for this paper because it enables researchers to identify the characterization of songket patterns triggered from wallpaper patterns and frieze patterns. The aim of this paper is to document and catalogue useful guidelines for related professions and database for future references. It will also serve as evidence of the existence of geometric and symmetry patterns on Malaysian songket patterns as a useful contribution to the songket design industry and finally as examples for other Malaysian arts or crafts in having design ideas in an effective way.

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