
Many Morocinan students concentrated on learning much more of Imam Malik as what the eastern Islamic world students did that was due to the good reputation of Imam Malik ,religiously ,scientifically and sociologically . Ayiadh ,the judge, recorded in his book "tarteeb Almadarik" almost twenty _one Morocian student whom met such Imam in the city , som of them , then , were main persons to deliver "Almalikiya" in Morocco ,Gradually ,they became the pioneers of that ideology (Almalikiya) in Morocco , as well as the main reference for others. When dealing with the historical texts that dealt with the biographies of those students , a special relationship could be realized between some of them and Imam Malik as he accepted what they did , even after being back to their own regions, they kept in touch with him , Also, Imam Malik kept on getting their news from other Moroccian who visited him and that led us to shed light on such a relationship and study it thoughtfully , taking the relationship of both Abdullah bin Ganim and Abdullah bin Farookh with Imam Malik as a good instance . The abore_mentioned fact will be discussed in such a study in three ways: First we shall deal with the signs and reasons that could explain his interest in his Moroccian students second, the ways with wich Imam Malik keeps in touch with Abdullah bin Ganim as the first example we have and that shows the continwty between Imam Malik and his Moroccian students then , comes the third pant which includes the ways with which Imam Malik keeps in touch with Abdullah bin Farookh , presenting at the same time other aspects of such relations .

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