
The internal/external framework of attention characterizes attention focused to perceptual stimuli and internal representations as highly similar processes. While much research on external attention examines how attention may be broadened or narrowed (attentional zoom lens), it is unclear if internal attention functions in a similar way. In the present study, we manipulate both internal and external attentions to be either broad or narrow. Participants first encoded either a broad or narrow working memory array containing three differently colored items. This array was maintained as they performed an Eriksen flanker task that was either distributed broadly or narrowly, followed by a memory test for a random memory item. We found that regardless of whether the flanker fell inside or outside of the internal breadth of attention, flanker congruency effects did not change. The exception to this was when internal breadth was manipulated with retrocuing, which resulted in greater congruency effects when flankers aligned with the span of internal breadth rather than falling outside of it. Overall, this study shows that internal breadth information is unlikely to alter processing of external distractors until some of the information is cued internally after encoding, suggesting limitations in the internal/external attention framework.

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