
Feeding regimes on fish farms are often disrupted for logistical reasons or adverse environmental conditions. Issues such as these are commonplace with respect to the sea pen culture of Yellowtail Kingfish Seriola lalandi (YTK) in Australia. These disruptions represent periods of feed restriction which lead to reduced productivity. However, production losses may be ameliorated using different feeding strategies or the use of nutrient dense aquafeeds. To examine the potential of these options we conducted an eight-week experiment with sub-adult YTK (stocking weight ~ 0.80 kg) investigating three feeding regimes crossed with two dietary specifications. The feeding regimes were selected following industry consultation; feeding once daily 7 days per week (control), once daily Monday to Friday (economic) or once daily on randomly selected days of the week (random). Regardless of regime all feed was offered to apparent satiation. A standard specification (Std-Spec; 386 g DP kg−1, 15.1 MJ DE kg−1) and high specification diet (High-Spec; 460 g DP kg−1 and 19.2 MJ DE kg−1) were formulated using a similar suite of ingredients. Each of the 6 treatment combinations was fed to three replicate tanks of fish and results were examined using two-way ANOVA. There was a general absence of interaction between the main effects for most production indices. Specific growth rate (SGR) and relative feed intake (RFI) were significantly better in YTK fed 7 days per week than in YTK fed under more restricted regimes, but feeding regime did not affect FCR. The SGR, FCR and condition factor of YTK were significantly better when fed the High-Spec diet than in YTK fed the Std-Spec diet. The RFI of fish fed under restricted regimes was significantly lower than YTK fed 7 days per week, irrespective of diet specification, indicating YTK were not capable of hyperphagia. However, the RFI of YTK fed the Std-Spec diet was significantly higher than YTK fed the High-Spec diet, confirming nutrient or energy density was likely controlling feed intake. Examination of data on digestible protein, fat and energy intake indicated YTK were eating primarily to satisfy their protein requirement and sub-optimal energy intake was indirectly limiting growth. Our results demonstrate YTK have a limited capacity to increase their feed intake as a means of overcoming moderate feed restriction in order to meet nutrient and energy demands. We recommend feeding YTK of this size a high specification diet to apparent satiation once per day 7 days a week in order to maximize their growth, feed efficiency and physical condition.

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