
Entering Financial Technology (FINTECH) era, Indonesian Banks and financial institutions competing in issuing their electronic money product. E-money potentially used by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for doing business and making transactions but in reality it is not so. Halal food SMes E-money usage still low so its important for fintech companies to be able to know and understand perceptions to increase interest in re-transacting using electronic money. However, these is still few studies discussed behavioral intention to use e-money in SMEs sector. Consequently, This study identifies and examines the factors that contribute to behavioral intention to use e-money in Surakarta from the Halal food SMEs perspective . Data for this study were obtained through a mail survey sent to 125 Halal Food SMEs in Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Regression is used to analyze the data and determine the impact the factors have on behavioral intention to use e-money. The regression results confirm that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived behavioral control are the most likely factors that contribute to halal food SMEs intention to use e-money whereas trust was not significantly related. Implications of the findings for developers are discussed further.

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