
The aim of this study is to analyze how Strategic Management is applied in Functional Units of Primary Health Care, namely, to verify the usefulness of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Functional Units of Primary Health Care (PHCU). A qualitative methodological approach was adopted using the case study method, which allows for a holistic analysis of the phenomenon in question. The work was elaborated from the bibliographical research on the health activity and on performance systems, specifically the Strategic Management, culminating with the practical application of the Strategic Map to two PHCU of the Health Centers Grouping (ACES) of Aveiro Norte. The results observed in the five perspectives of the BSC show that there is linearity in the PHCU of São João and Calâmbria. Its application to each one can integrate the performance management process, also serving additional functions, such as the communication of priorities, the allocation of resources, the definition of goals, the performance evaluation and the strategic control. In this context, the application of the BSC will allow the crossing of key areas for the PHCU.

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