
Our society which constantly evolves technologically, in connection with the use and presence of technological means in almost every home, has given rise to the need for inclusion and use of new technological means even in preschool education. Children from a very young age come into contact with electronic means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), resulting in them acquiring empirically numerous skills and knowledge, even before entering preschool settings. Inevitably education has followed this social progress and development because of the great relationship that exists between them. Thus, the inclusion of ICT in education is a very important subject that constantly is put into a new perspective with constantly evolving research fields. In the present study, reference is made to the inclusion and educational use of ICT in preschool education. Evidence is presented after a literature review, which mainly concerns the effects and learning outcomes of preschool children's engagement with modern electronic media and video games.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0433/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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